Of the day
Gary Fitzpatrick will lead the new doctor of optometry degree at UWA.
Of the week
Tim Cahill moves from head of KPMG’s higher education practice to MD of Research Strategies Australia.
Barney Dalgarno has started as Uni Canberra’s executive dean of education. He has moved from Charles Sturt (CMM September 16 2019).
Cheryl Desha (Griffith U) is named International Women’s Day champion of change by the Queensland Government.
Uni Sydney announces a new chair, funded by a gift from Garry and Susan Rothwell. The three-year in architectural design leadership is awarded to French architecture studio Lacaton & Vassal Architectes.
Lee Parker (RMIT) and Stephen Penman (Columbia U) join the Australian Accounting Hall of Fame.
Misha Shubert has started as CEO of Science and Technology Australia. She moved from comms director at Universities Australia.