Of the day
Viv Ellis is the new dean of education at Monash U. Professor Ellis will join in June from Kings College London.
Maria Kavallaris (UNSW) is the NSW Premier’s woman of the year. Professor Kavallaris researches childhood cancer.
Of the week
Maryrose Casey starts at Flinders U as professor of drama critical studies. She moved from Monash U.
Jennifer Gore from the University of Newcastle is named a 2020 Fellow by the American Educational Research Association.
Michael Kidd is jointly appointed professor of primary care reform at ANU and the Commonwealth Department of Health’s principal medical advisor.
Xiaoling Liu is installed as chancellor of QUT. Dr Liu is a company director and minerals and mining engineer.
Macquarie U appoints Magnus Nydén as executive dean of science and engineering. He will start mid-year, moving from technology companies in Sweden. He was previously a professor at Uni SA.
Debra Thoms becomes head of QUT’s School of Nursing, on a 12-month appointment.
John Wardle is announced as foundation director of the National Centre for Naturopathic Medicine at Southern Cross University. He moves from UTS. The centre is supported by a $10m gift from the Blackmore Foundation.
Matthew Warren will lead a new cyber security research centre at RMIT. Professor Warren moves from Deakin U.
DFAT officer Stephanie Williams is named Australia’s ambassador for regional health security. She is a visiting fellow in applied epidemiology at ANU.
Patsy Yates becomes the new executive dean of health at QUT, moving up from head of the School of Nursing.