At QUT, Christopher Barner-Kowollik is appointed DVC Research and Innovation. After appointments at UNSW and in Germany he joined QUT in 2017, founding the Soft Matter Materials Laboratory.
Also at QUT, Robina Xavier becomes DVC Education. She is now executive dean of the QUT Business School.
Awards season rolls on, with UTS announcing its teaching and learning honours
Teaching: Mohsen Naderpour (Engineering and IT).
Team teaching: Cornelia Betzler, Kristine Aquino, Ann El Khoury (Humanities and Social Sciences)
Early career teaching: Job Fransen (Health)
Early career teaching (commended): Bernard Saliba (Health)
Casual/sessional teaching: Raechel Wight (Business)
UTS model of learning: Allison Cummins, Christine Catling, Deborah Fox, Vanessa Scarf (Health)
UTS model of learning (commended): Kate Delmo (Arts and Social Sciences)
Learning futures: Gavin Paul (Engineering and IT)
Indigenous professional capabilities into curriculum: Megan Heyward, Natalie Krikowa, (Arts and Social Sciences)
Citations: * Paul Kennedy, Mukesh Prasad, Aedan Roberts (Engineering and IT). * Cat Kutay, Paul Brown, Jarnae Leslie, Tyler Key (Transdisciplinary Innovation and Engineering and IT) * Babak Abedin (Engineering and IT) * Robin Bowley (Law) Christopher Croese (Law) Delia Falconer (Arts and Social Sciences) * Kristoffer Glover (Business) * Anna Loyeung, Yawn Shan, Peter Lam, (Business)