Appointments, achievements

Academic integrity expert Tracey Bretag moves up to full professor at the University of South Australia.


Curtin U announces its 2019 professional staff individual and team service awards

Reconciliation: Sue Aldenton (Information Management and Archives). Carrolup Exhibition and Engagement –John Curtin Gallery.

Collaboration: Rebecca Shillington (Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry). Exchange Transaction Team.

Service: Malcolm Perry (Marine Science and Technology). Science and Engineering Faculty Librarians.

Continuous Improvement:  Rachel Darovic (International Admissions). Examinations and Progression Management.

Leadership: Tej Kalyan (Student Systems and Business Support). Science and Engineering Technical Operations Managers


Nicolette Lee is acting PVC – Educational Transformation at La Trobe U. She had something to say about the subject in CMM (July 13)


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