Appointments, achievements

Mike Archer (UNSW) wins the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology​’s Romer-Simpson Medal for lifetime achievement

Also at UNSW DVC Enterprise Brian Boyle becomes a professor emeritus

Monash U announces the Vice Chancellor’s staff and student Diversity and Inclusion awards. Staff honoured are; Nick McGuigan, Alessandro Ghio, Sudha Mani, Lisa Powell (Monash Business School) and Vivienne Mak (Pharmacy)

The International Education Association of Australia annual awards go to,

Distinguished contribution to international education: John Hudzik (Michigan State U)

Tony Adams rising star: Julian O’Shea, founder Outbound (“practice-based learning programs for entrepreneurs and university students”)

InnovationCraig Cowdrey, Christopher Marr, Peter Burnheim, Sonder (“24-seven virtual and in-person support for times when you feel unsafe”)

Best practice: James Martin, Insider Guides

Outstanding PhD thesis: Alexander Stutz, Internationalisation of the medical curriculum: a multiple case study of German and Australian medical schools (QUT)



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