Dan Johnson will become PVC Research Innovation at Macquarie U in February. He is now managing director of the Australian Wine Research Institute, at the Waite research precinct in Adelaide.
Ross McLennan (UniSA) is in-coming president of the Australasian Research Management Society.
The WA Young Tall Poppies are announced, including; Catherine Anne Boisvert (Curtin U – evolution of fish). Asha Bowen (Telethon Kids Institute and UWA – skin infections in remote Indigenous communities). Chris Brennan-Jones (Telethon Kids Institute and UWA – ear infections). Willem Joost Lesterhuis (UWA – drug treatments for cancer). Joshua Lewis (Edith Cowan U-cardiovascular disease). Katarina Miljkovic (Curtin U – planetary geo-science). Richard Norman (Curtin U-sustainable health systems). Debbie Silvester, (Curtin U – sensors for toxic gasses). Stephanie Rainey-Smith (Edith Cowan U- personalised strategies for Alzheimer’s Disease).