Uni Adelaide announces four state winners in the 2019 Tall Poppy science awards, Daniel King, (behavioural addiction), Giang Nguyen (probability and statistics), Nigel Rogasch (neuroscience), Danny Wilson (malaria biology). Flinders U also announces awards to Oren Griffiths and Sarah Cohen-Woods (brain disorders). Marnie Winter (biomedical engineer) and Jia Tina Du (tech access for disadvantaged) from UniSA are also awarded.
Members of the University of Sydney’s new consultative group on the French free speech review’s model code are; Lisa Jackson Pulver (DVC-I), Tony Masters (chair-Academic Board), Anne Twomey (law), Jodi Dickson (HR), Gareth Bryant (university branch of the National Tertiary Education Union), Jacky He (SRC), Xiner Yuan, (postgrad association), Don Markwell, (St Paul’s College) (first meeting), succeeded by Adrian Diethelm, (St John’s College).