Appointment, achievements

Michael Sankey is moving to Charles Darwin U, to join new VC Scott Bowman as Director of Learning Futures and Lead Education Architect. Professor Sankey leaves Griffith U, where he is Director, Learning Transformation.

The Human Frontier Science Programme (which looks like a medical version of the OECD) announces its 2021 research awards. ANZ recipients include,  Craig Cary (Waikato U) in the “rewinding and rerunning evolution to study innovation in action” category. Elizabeth New (Uni Sydney), is awarded for “factors promoting yeast mating within insect intestines.” Matthew Baker (UNSW) and Nicholas Matzke (Uni Auckland) are both in the “reconstructing and re-evolving the bacterial flagellar motor, piece-by-piece” category.

Overall 28 projects share US$33m over three year.