Appointment, achievements

The Australian Society of Microbiology’s Distinguished Service Awards go to Sarah Foster (Launceston General Hospital), Ulrike Kappler (Uni Queensland), Renato Morona (Uni Adelaide) and Lisa Shepherd (South Australia Pathology)

Renee Fry‑McKibbin (ANU) is one of the three-person panel appointed to review the Reserve Bank.

Jennifer Leigh Campbell (Griffith U) wins the Breaking Barriers Award at the 2022 Queensland Women in STEM prizes. Katrina Wruck (QUT) wins the Judges’ Award.

The short list for South Australia’s Scientist of the Year is, Corey Bradshaw (Flinders U) Maria Makrides (SA Health and Medical Research Institute), Peter Veitch (Uni Adelaide)

Studiosity’s Tracey Bretag Prize for Academic Integrity for 2022 goes to the UPASS team, from QUT and Swinburne U, Caslon Chua, Sam Cunningham, Sarah Dart, Edmund Pickering, Rick Somers, Sheona Thomson