Appointment, achievements

Dylan Ashton (Uni Sydney) wins Cooperative Research Australia’s ECR award for using kangaroo tendon for human knee ligament grafts. Mr Ashton is at the Innovative Manufacturing Cooperative Research Centre. (CRA is the renamed Cooperative Research Centres Association).

Jo Barraket will be director of Uni Melbourne’s Melbourne Social Equity Institute. Professor Barraket will join from Swinburne U in January.

The Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences announces its 2021 fellows,

* Gerry Adams (the MRI formerly known as Walter and Eliza Hall Institute) * Kaarin Anstey (UNSW) * Julie Bines (Murdoch Children’s Research Institute) * Suzanne Cory (WEHI) * Jodie Dodd (Uni Adelaide) * Pat Dudgeon (UWA) * Jonathan Golledge (UWA) * Ron Grunstein (Woolcock IMR) * Rebecca Guy (Kirby Institute) * Rana Hinman (Uni Melbourne) * Harriet Hiscock (Murdoch Children’s RI) * Kirsten Howard (Uni Sydney) * David Huang (WEHI) * Christine Jenkins (George Institute for Global Health) * Karin Leder (Monash U) * Louise Maple-Brown (Menzies School of Health Research) * Helen Marshall (Uni Adelaide) * Colette Mackay (Bionics Institute of Australia) * Jodie McVernon (Doherty Institute) * Alicia Oshlack (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre) * George Patton (Murdoch Children’s RI) * Richard Price (Menzies School HR) * Danny Rischin (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre) * John Saville (Melbourne Academic Centre for Health) * Kanto Subbarao (Doherty Institute) * Penny Webb (QIMR Berghofer MRI) *  Andrew Whitehouse (Telethon Kids Institute) * Ingrid Winship (Royal Melbourne Hospital) * Tien Wong (Singapore National Eye Centre/Uni Melbourne).

It’s a big week for Professor Winship. On Monday she was reappointed to the National Health and Medical Research Council.