The Tasmanian Legislative Council inquiry into pretty much everything about the state’s university is back
It heard evidence from Launceston Chamber of Commerce’s William Cassidy on Monday and today Uni Tasmania management are back – Chancellor Alison Watkins, VC Rufus Black, Academic Senate Chair Natalie Brown and Chief People Officer Kristen Derbyshire.
They did well in hearings at the beginning of March but the next week the university moved to defuse criticism (of which there is a bit) that staff are burdened by bureaucracy, announcing 48 senior admin roles would be abolished. After the usual spilling and filling and including vacant positions a net 18 positions will go, out of 113 in original-scope.
Management’s message then was, “we have been listening to the feedback provided by our staff, students and the broader community. We have heard consistent themes around the need to rebalance our university towards our academic mission,” (CMM March 8).
Something which might merit repeating.