All the DECRAs announced

The Australian Research Council released the complete DECRA list Friday

Where the big DECRA dosh went: Overall there is $81m in Discovery Early Career Research Awards. The Group of Eight did best. Uni Melbourne (22) and Monash U (22) lead the institutional split. Uni Queensland (19) and Uni Sydney (19) are close behind. Researchers at UNSW and ANU win 15 at each. Uni Adelaide and UWA both pick up five. All up the Group of Eight account for just over half the awards.

But it isn’t all the auld elite, with Australian Technology Network members out performing Uni Adelaide and UWA. UTS has nine, QUT and RMIT eight each.

Disciplines in the money are:  The discipline areas with ten plus awards are; history and archaeology (ten), chemical sciences (ten), psychology (11), medical and health sciences (12), mathematical sciences (14), “studies in human society” (21), biological sciences (22) and engineering (25).

Who missed out:  Pretty much everybody applying is who. “With a 16 per cent success rate DECRA people may as well apply to the National Health and Medical Research Council,” a research admin observer tells CMM.  As to the states, WA score just four, (just behind Tasmania and SA). In contrast NSW and Victoria picked up over 60.


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