The Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency reports all universities and half of the other higher education providers have “made endeavours to implement improvements to admissions transparency.” From any other organisation, this would read as damning with faint praise but TEQSA isn’t big on superlatives.
All providers must also adopt by May the admissions terminology changes set out by Kerrie-Lee Krause (La Trobe U) and her colleagues in the Admissions Transparency Implementation Working Group, including;
replacing “bonus points” with “adjustment factors”
“ATAR cut-off” and “clearly in” are out, replaced by “lowest ATAR/selection rank” to which an offer was made.”
The new rules also include how; “reordering of the applicant groupings to make all post-school entry pathways adjacent to each other” and “limiting the ATAR profile table in the program/course information set to the highest, lowest and median ATARs to which offers of places were made; and “removing the 25th and 75th percentile ranks to reduce its complexity.” Everybody clear on that?