The Companion (AC) and Officer(AO) awards include the following HE and research people (with apologies to anybody missed)
Kurt Lambeck, earth sciences, ANU becomes an AC
The AOs are
Mark Bartold, dentistry, Uni Adelaide. Adrian Bauman, chronic pain, Uni Sydney. Colin Binns, public health, Curtin U.
Patrick Coates, renal medicine, Uni Adelaide. Stephen Davis, stroke research, Uni Melbourne. Susan Fletcher, molecular medicine, Murdoch U. Ian Freckelton, health and medical law, Uni Melbourne.
Paul Glasziou evidenced-based medicine, Bond U. Donald Howie, orthopaedics, Uni Adelaide. Evans Lagudah, wheat genetics, CSIRO.
Jane McAdam, refugee law, UNSW. Michael McDaniel, Indigenous tertiary education, UTS. Geoffrey Metz, medicine, Uni Melbourne. Leonard Notaras, medical administration, National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre.
Robert Offord, cultural studies and human rights, Curtin U. Suzanne Packer, ANU, child protection. Lester Peters, radiation oncology, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. Carol Pollock, nephrology, Uni Sydney.
Stephen Rintoul, climate science, CSIRO. Richard Scolyer, melanoma research, Uni Sydney. Alan Trounson, IVF, Monash U. Anne Twomey, constitutional law, Uni Sydney. James Willams, physical sciences, ANU. Stephen Wilton, neurological science, Murdoch U.