Rob Hyndman (Monash U) receives the Statistical Society of Australia’s highest honour, the Pitman Medal. Professor Hyndman became a fellow of the Australian Academy of Science in May (CMM May 26).
The Australian Academy of the Humanities announces its travelling fellowships for humanities scholars to undertake research overseas. Hopefully none are in a hurry to get moving. * John Burtt (Macquarie U) * Chris Cottrell (Monash U) * Jacqueline Dalziell (Macquarie U) * Bernard Keo (Monash U) * Frederic Kiernan (Melbourne Conservatorium of Music) * Natalie Lazaroo (Uni Queensland) * Sheng-Hsun Lee (Uni Queensland) * Jennifer McLaren (Macquarie U) * N. A. J. Taylor (Deakin U) * T. J. Thomson (QUT) * Janet Wade (Macquarie U) * Kate Warren (ANU), The David Phillips fellowship, for study of racial, religious or ethnic prejudice goes to Tets Kimura (Flinders U).