
Shivani Bhandari from CSIRO wins the Astronomical Society of Australia’s Louise Webster Prize for early career research – she found fast radio bursts and tracked them to source galaxy.

The Australian Space Agency’s advisory group is announced; Steven Freeland, (space law, Western Sydney U). Lisa Harvey-Smith, (astrophysics and science comms, Australian Government women in STEM ambassador). Peter Klinken, (chief scientist WA). Pamela Melroy (director, space technology and policy, Nova Systems). Chris Pigram, CSIRO deep earth imaging advisory panel). Frank Robert, (associated VP A. T. Kearney). Margaret Sheil (VC, QUT). Andrew Thomas (SA government space advisor).

The 2019 Melbourne Design Awards are announced; Jackson Clements Burrows win gold for Gillies Hall, a multi-story timber student residential building on the Monash U Peninsula campus. Luminary wins gold for its design of a website for a student recruitment website for the William Anglis Institute.  And Deakin U wins silver for their 2018 Open Day “mind racer” brain-computer interface.


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