A UoQ take on the transformation of higher education

UoQ researchers Kelly Matthews, Carmen Garratt and Doune Macdonald will have captured and held the attention of the university Senate, with their paper on the future of post-compulsory education, not least because it is a concise as it comprehensive.

They headline three issues:

lifetimes of learning in a digital world: “Continuous learning will be vital as people change careers more often over a longer working lifespan. … University curriculum has to create space for students to learn how to learn and imbue values for continuous learning.”

student expectations will change and new providers will appear: “more favourable attitudes toward online delivery from prospective students and growth in lifelong learning for professionals signal a need to rethink the traditional, on-campus only model of learning.”

technologies will power education and change campuses: new and emerging technologies promise integrative systems affording a nuanced and personalised student experience creating opportunities for flexible, relevant, and deep learning. … The possibilities of micro-credentialing and online learning opportunities create space to rethink the traditional academic calendar.”


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