A script to fill from GP College

“There’s “a fair pay rise, improved conditions and expanded leave entitlements” for staff at the Royal College of General Practitioners in a new enterprise agreement proposal negotiated with the National Tertiary Education Union and approved by a thumping majority of staff voting.

It is “enterprise bargaining at its best” between “a strong union” and “a reasonable employer” says NTEU General Secretary Damien Cahill.

“While some employers in our sector have chosen the low road on wages and conditions, RACGP is to be commended for using enterprise bargaining to invest in its staff,” Dr Cahill said.

Gosh, whoever could he mean?

Maybe Griffith U management.

At Griffith U management and the campus branch of the NTEU are campaigning against each other. GUM wants staff to vote for its enterprise agreement offer, which includes a 12 per cent total pay rise and better benefits. The comrades want management to keep negotiating, including on workloads and casualised work – there’s a stop work today.

The NTEU has lost two recent votes, with staff at Southern Cross U and Charles Darwin U agreeing to management offers it opposed. A third loss in a row would  encourage other VCs to ignore union opposition and put offers direct to staff.