Griffith U makes an offer, but not one that impresses the union

Griffith University management is not monstered by MYEFO and has put a pay offer on the table just days ahead of expected government cuts.  The university is offering professional and academic staff $1350 or a 1.5 per cent increase to base pay, whichever is greater, on staff approving a new enterprise agreement. This would be followed by a 1.6 per cent rise in May 2019, a further $1350/1.5 per cent in June 2020 and 1.7 per cent in June 2021. They are on top of the 1.5 per cent administrative rise last May. The offer “is fair to staff, financially responsible and positions the university to face the challenges ahead,” DVC A Debra Henley and Peter Bryant VP, corporate, told staff yesterday.

However, the National Tertiary Education Union is not impressed, “Griffith is making significant productivity gains from the additional work being asked of staff by moving to a trimester system. They will also be generating significant additional revenue. This makes their offer doubly poor, but hopefully it is just an opening gambit,” Queensland state secretary Michael McNally says.


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